Basic Italian Words and Sentences That You Must Know

Written by Barry Allen

December 5, 2022

Basic Italian Words and Sentences That You Must Know


Some fundamental Italian phrases are more valuable than others.

Why not concentrate on mastering these words first? We chose to write this post for you specifically for that reason.

The essential Italian phrases covered in this post will help you communicate better if you’re just beginning to learn Italian or are already fluent.

If you’re soon traveling to a Italian-speaking place, these will be especially useful to you.

Basic Italian Words and Sentences That You Must Know

The following are the basic Italian words and sentences that you must know:

1.My name is … 

Mi chiamo ______ . (mee kee-AH-moh _____)

Use this phrase to tell someone your name.

2. What’s your name?

Come si chiama? (KOH-meh see kee-AH-mah?) – Formal

Come ti chiami? (KOH-meh tee kee-AH-mee?) – Informal

Use this phrase to ask someone his/her name.

3. How much does this cost?

Quanto costa questo? (KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah KWEHS-toh?)

Use this phrase to know the cost of something.

4. How are you?

Come sta? (koh-meh STAH?) – formal

Come stai? (koh-meh STAI?) – informal

Use this phrase to ask someone how he or she is?

5. I lost my wallet. 

Use this phrase to tell someone bout losing your wallet.

6. I need your help. 

Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto. (oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dehl too-oh ah-YOO-toh)

Use this phrase to ask for help.

7.Fine, thank you. 

Bene, grazie. (BEH-neh, GRAHT-tsyeh)

Use this phrase to tell that you are fine.

8.I can’t speak Italian well. 

Non parlo italiano. (non PAHR-loh ee-tah-LYAH-noh)

Use this phrase to tell someone that you can’t speak Italian.

9. Do you speak English? 

Parla inglese? (PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh?)

Use this phrase to ask someone to speak English.

10. I only speak a little Italian 

Conosco solo alcune parole in italiano. (koh-NOHS-koh SOH-loh ahl-KOO-neh pah-ROH-leh een ee-tah-LYAH-noh)

11. Do you speak English?

Parli inglese? (PAHR-lee een-GLEH-zeh?)

Is there someone here who speaks English? – Qualcuno parla inglese? (kwahl-KOO-noh PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh?)

12. I’m lost 

Ho perso il mio portafoglio. (oh PEHR-soh eel MEE-oh pohr-tah-FOH-lyoh)

13. I don’t understand

Non capisco. (nohn kah-PEES-koh)

14. Where are the restrooms? (public place)

Dove sono i gabinetti? (doh-VEH SOH-noh ee gah-bee-NEHT-tee)

15. Where is the bathroom? (someone’s home)

Dov’è il bagno? (doh-VEH eel BAHN-yoh)

Basic Italian words that you should know:

  • Hello. (formal) – Salve. (sAH-lveh)
  • Hello. (informal) – Ciao. (chow)
  • While – Mentre (MEHN-treh)
  • So – Così (koh-ZEE)
  • Help! – Aiuto! (ah-YOO-toh!)
  • Why/Because – Perché (pehr-KEH)
  • Pardon? – Come? (KOH-meh?)
  • Good morning – Buon giorno. (bwohn JOHR-noh)
  • Good afternoon – Buon pomeriggio. (bwohn poh-meh-REE-joh)
  • Good evening – Buona sera. (bwoh-nah-SEH-rah)
  • Good night – Buona notte. (bwoh-nah-NOHT-teh)


We hope these foundational words and phrases will improve your ability to speak Italian confidently.

The first few times won’t be simple, so practice is the only and best option.

And always remember to prioritize the most important terms first rather than attempting to memorize all the phrases we shared with you today.




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