Basic Ukrainian Words and Sentences That You Must Know

Written by Barry Allen

November 14, 2022

Basic Ukrainian Words and Sentences That You Must Know


Some fundamental Ukrainian phrases are more valuable than others.

Why not concentrate on mastering these words first? We chose to write this post for you specifically for that reason.

The essential Ukrainian phrases covered in this post will help you communicate better if you’re just beginning to learn Ukrainian or are already fluent.

If you’re soon traveling to a Ukrainian-speaking place, these will be especially useful to you.

Basic Ukrainian Words and Sentences That You Must Know

The following are the basic Ukrainian words and sentences that you must know:

1.My name is … 

Мене звуть_______. (meh-NEH ZVOO-t) / Мене звати_______. (meh-NEH ZVA-ty)

Use this phrase to tell someone your name.

2. What’s your name?

Як вас звати? (yak vahs ZVAH-tih?) (polite/senior)

OR: як тебе звати? (yak teh-BEH ZVAH-tih) (junior)

Use this phrase to ask someone his/her name.

3. How much does this cost?

Скільки (воно) коштує? (SKEEL’kih (VOH-noh) KOHSH-too-yeh?)

Use this phrase to know the cost of something.

4.How are you?

Як справи? (yak SPRA-vy?) / Як ty? (yak ty?)

Use this phrase to ask someone how he or she is?

5. I lost my wallet. 

Я загубив/загубила свій гаманець. (yah za-hoo-BIV / za-hoo-BI-la ha-ma-NETS) [if you are male/female]

Use this phrase to tell someone bout losing your wallet.

6. Fine, thank you.

Добре, дякую. (DOH-breh, DYAH-koo-yoo)

Use this phrase to tell that you are fine.

7. I can’t speak Ukrainian

Я не розмовляю [добре] українською . (yah neh roz-mow-LA-yoo [DOH-breh] oo-krah-YIN-skoh-yoo)

Use this phrase to tell someone that you can’t speak Ukrainian.

8. Do you speak English?

Ви розмовляєте англійською? (vih roz-mow-LA-yeh-teh an-HLEE-skoh-yoo?)

Use this phrase to ask if that particular person speaks English.

9. Is there someone here who speaks English?

Чи є тут хто розмовляє англійською? (chi ye toot khto roz-mow-LA-yeh an-HLEE-skoh-yoo?)

Use this phrase to ask if someone speak English in that area.

10. I’m lost

Я загубився/загубилася. (yah za-hoo-BI-vsyah) [if you are male/female]

Use this phrase to tell someone you are lost.

11. I don’t understand

Я не розумію. (yah neh roh-zoo-MEE-yoo)

Use this phrase to tell someone if you don’t understand something.

12. Where is the bathroom?

G Де туалет? (deh too-ah-LEHT?) dzie jest toaleta? (g-jeh yest twa-leta)

Use this phrase to ask for the toilet.

12. I lost my wallet.

Я загубив/загубила свій гаманець. (yah za-hoo-BIV / za-hoo-BI-la ha-ma-NETS) [if you are male/female

Use this phrase to inform you about losing your wallet.

Basic Ukrainian words that you should know:

  • Please – Будь ласка (bood’ LAH-skah)
  • Thank you – Дякую. (DYAH-koo-yoo)
  • You’re welcome – Прошу. (PROH-shoo)
  • Yes – Так. (tahk)
  • No – Ні. (nee)
  • Help! – Допоможіть! (doh-poh-moh-ZHIT’!)
  • Look out!- Обережно! (oh-beh-REHZH-noh!)
  • Good morning – Доброго ранку. (DOH-broh-hoh RAHN-koo)
  • Good evening – Добрий вечір. (DOH-brihy VEH-cheer)
  • Good night (to sleep) – Добраніч. (doh-BRAH-neech)
  • Excuse me. (getting attention) – Перепрошую. (peh-reh-PROH-shoo-yoo)
  • Excuse me. (begging pardon) – Пробачте. (proh-BAHCH-teh)
  • I’m sorry – Вибачте. (VIH-bach-teh)
  • Goodbye – До побачення. (do poh-BAH-cheh-nyah) / Бувай. (bu-VAI)


We hope these foundational words and phrases will improve your ability to speak Ukrainian confidently.

The first few times won’t be simple, so practice is the only and best option.

And always remember to prioritize the most important terms first rather than attempting to memorize all the phrases we shared with you today.




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