Basic Turkish Words and Sentences That You Must Know

Written by Barry Allen

November 15, 2022

Basic Turkish Words and Sentences That You Must Know


Some fundamental Turkish phrases are more valuable than others.

Why not concentrate on mastering these words first? We chose to write this post for you specifically for that reason.

The essential Turkish phrases covered in this post will help you communicate better if you’re just beginning to learn Turkish or are already fluent.

If you’re soon traveling to a Turkish-speaking country, these will be especially useful to you.

Basic Turkish Words and Sentences That You Must Know

The following are the basic Turkish words and sentences that you must know:

  1. Merhaba benim adım ……..

Hi! I am [your name].

This is a basic greeting when you meet someone new to introduce yourself.

 2. Nasılsın

How are you?

When you run into friends, family, or anyone you want to start a discussion with, you usually do it this way.

3. Ben iyiyim, peki sen?

 I’m good, you?

You can use this phrase to tell them that you are fine and ask about them in return.

4. Teşekkürler

Thank you

You can use this phrase to thank someone.

5. Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum

 Nice to meet you.

This phrase can be used to tell someone how nice you feel about meeting someone.

6. Üzgünüm

 I’m sorry

If you are looking to apologize, you can say ‘I’m sorry’.

7. Telefon numaran nedir

 What is your phone number?

If you want to have someone’s phone number, you can use the above phrase.

8. hobilerin neler

 What do you like to do (in your free time)?

If you want to know someone’s hobbies, you can use the above phrase.

9. sen nerelisin?

Where are you from?

You can use this phrase to know where a person is.

10. Ne yaparsın

What do you do?

You can use this phrase to find out someone’s profession.

11. Ne demek istiyorsun

What do you mean?

If you are looking to know the meaning of what someone said, you can use this phrase.

12. Anlamıyorum

I do not understand.

You can use this phrase if you do not understand something.

13. Ne düşünüyorsun

What do you think?

If you want to know someone’s opinion, you can use this phrase.

14. Yavaş konuşabilir misin

Could you speak a little slower?

If you want someone to speak slowly, you can use this phrase.

15. Ne düşünüyorsun
Could you repeat that?

If you didn’t understand something that someone said, and you want him or her to repeat something. You can use the above phrase.

16. tekrar buluşacak

See you soon

To tell someone you’ll meet or see someone soon, you can use the above phrase.

17. Nerede bulabilirim……..?

Where can I find …….?

For instance, if you are looking for a place, a hotel, a restaurant, or anything else, you can use this phrase.

For example: Where can I find a medical store/ tea shop/ general store?

18. ismin ne?

What’s your name?

You can use this phrase to know someone’s name.

19. Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?

Can you help me?

If you need/ want to help someone, you can use this phrase.

20. fiyatı ne kadar?
How much does this/that cost?

To know the cost of something, use this phrase.

21. türkçe bilmiyorum
I don’t know Turkish.

If you want to tell someone you are not good at Turkish, use this phrase. This will be helpful if you have just started learning Turkish and are still not comfortable communicating fluently.

22. Açım

I am hungry.

If you are hungry and you want to tell someone, use this phrase.

23. susadım

I’m thirsty.

Use this phrase to tell someone you are thirsty.

24. kayboldum

I’m lost.

If you need to tell someone that you are lost, use this phrase.

Basic Turkish words that you should know:

  • Merhabā / Selam = Hello / Hi
  • İyi günler = Good Morning
  • İyi akşamlar = Good evening
  • İyi geceler = Good night
  • Güle güle = Bye / Goodbye (Good day)
  • Lütfen = Please
  • Sonra görüşürüz = See you later
  • Görüşürüz = See you
  • Yarın görüşürüz = See you tomorrow
  • Özür dilerim = Sorry
  • Affedersiniz = Pardon! Excuse me
  • Hadi gidelim = Let’s go
  • İyi değilim / Fenā değil = Not fine / not bad
  • İyiyim = I’m fine
  • İyilik = I’m fine (informal)
  • Evet / Hayır / Yok = Yes / No / No (informal)
  • İsminiz? = What’s your name? (formal)
  • İsmin/Adın ne? = What’s your name? (informal)
  • Bir, iki, üç, dört, beş, altı, yedi, sekiz, and dokuz.= One to Ten counting


We hope these foundational words and phrases will improve your ability to speak Turkish confidently.

The first few times won’t be simple, so practice is the only and best option.

And always remember to prioritize the most important terms first rather than attempting to memorize all the phrases we shared with you today.





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