Top 10 Tips to Grow On Instagram

Written by Barry Allen

June 28, 2022

Top 10 Tips to Grow On Instagram

Do you want the top 10 tips to grow on Instagram? If your answer is yes, then this article will prove beneficial to you. The presence of a splendid amount of audience from different parts of the world makes Instagram not only a popular platform but also an earning platform.

Growing on Instagram is not a piece of cake. It takes a lot of dedicated hard work and that would prove beneficial in the long run. To help you grow your audience, views, and likes we have brought this article, i.e., top ten tips to grow on Instagram.

Top 10 Tips To Grow On Instagram

There are many tips that would help you grow on Instagram. Today we will be talking about the top 10 tips to grow on Instagram.

Optimize Your Instagram Profile

For someone who literally wants to grow on Instagram, then optimizing the profile should be the first step. An optimized profile gives your account an authentic look and makes your audience connect with you easily. To optimize your content, you need to give the right and relevant name to your Instagram account. This should name should associate with the type of content you create. Search for people with similar interests and who successfully run their accounts. See their username and try to come up with a similar username. Display your contact details in your profile like your phone number and email address. Add a bio that describes your work. Do not rush toward making your profile, take some time but do it properly as this is the first thing, your audience and your brand will see.

If possible try to get in contact with the successful creators. It would not be easier in starting and you will have to face a lot of rejection. This eventually leads you to think that people are egoistic and you start cursing them. This decreases your motivation to work and grow on Instagram. So be patient and continually work toward it.


Once you optimize your profile, the second thing that will help you grow on Instagram is Consistency. Suppose you are posting on Instagram but you’re not consistent and do not post your content on time, then you might not grow. Whatever you are posting make sure that you are consistent. You need to find out a particular time at which your post reaches out to a maximum number of audiences. You can do this with the help of an app but if you don’t want to spend your hard-earned money, then the Instagram business account provides you with an option called insights. This feature tells you about the time at which your content reaches the maximum audience. Start posting on a regular basis and at a particular time. You will see a drastic change.

Make More Reels

The third tip among the top ten tips to grow on Instagram is to make more reels. Instagram is not only about posting photos, it has become much more than this. We all know that Instagram is competing with TikTok. Hence, if you want to grow on Instagram then start making as many reels as possible. Making two to three-second also helps. It increases your views.


The fourth tip that will help you grow on Instagram is collaboration. If you genuinely want to grow on Instagram, then collaboration is a must. Collab with established creators or who have more reach then. You can even collab with a creator or business which has fewer followers and less reach than you.

Use Keywords In Your Caption

Instagram has updated its algorithm and according to the new algorithm, it will prioritize your content if you use the right keyword in your caption. Therefore the fourth tip is to start using the relevant keyword. Use the keyword that describes your content and it should be in the first line of your caption.

Focus On Your Audience

The fifth tip is to focus on your audience. Using the insight feature of Instagram, you can find out which kind of people like age range, gender, country, and city are more interested in your content. After finding this, build your plan according to it. There are various apps that are very beneficial in providing all this data. So, focus more on this kind of audience.

Connect With Your Audience

Growing on Instagram is all about connection. The more you connect with your audience, the more your content will grow. Once you gain the audience’s trust, you will grow nonstop. Making your audience feel that they are a part of your family and they really mean to you is the seventh tip to grow on Instagram. There are a lot of ways with the help which you can connect with your audience, for example, regularly update your store, if you have a website or a YouTube channel you can add links of it in the stories, create polls, provide information about your likes and dislikes, asks questions, ask your audience to your questions, and most importantly go live and discuss important stuff, create a question and answers session.

Do Not Give Your Login Information To Third-Party App

There are many apps that ask for your login details. Stay away from these kinds of apps. They can use your information for their benefit. Grow your followers using the right methods. Post consistently and it would not take less than a year to have a good number of followers.

Do Not Join Any Follow Like Group On Instagram

There are many groups on Instagram that increase your followers and likes. Do not join a group of this kind as Instagram somehow gets to know you are doing this and it will decrease your reach.

Do Not Go For Giveaways

Giveaways are okay but do not depend on them. It may increase your followers drastically but they would not be genuine. Try to gain genuine followers. They will be with you for a longer time and will engage with your post.


In this article, we have given you the top 10 tips to grow on Instagram. The most important thing that you would need to have is patience. Growing on Instagram is not instant. You will have to put in some hard work.



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