Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022

Written by Barry Allen

September 3, 2022

Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools


A database is a collection of files that hold all the information in a system.
Database design refers to techniques for creating, developing, deploying, and maintaining database management systems.
Data consistency for disc storage can be improved with well-designed databases. Many ER diagram tools are available to help you create database diagrams.
Database developers use ER diagrams to sketch out the design of a database. These ERD diagram tools make it simple to create tables. This post will assist you in discovering the best ER diagram maker (Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022)

Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022

In this article, we will discuss the top 15 best ERD tools available on the market in 2022.

Microsoft visio

Microsoft Visio

One of the best ER diagram tools is Microsoft Visio.

Some of its characteristics are as follows:

  • Microsoft 365 software is required to use this program.
  • It includes stencils for making emergency room schematics.
  • It also has a function that allows you to reverse engineer the database model.

You can draw information about the input and output for each entity and process.



QuickDBD is one of the greatest ERD creators since it allows you to quickly generate a database diagram and has the following features:

  • It contributes to your document’s professional appearance.
  • Your diagrams are accessible over the Internet.
  • It enables you to draw a schema (database structure) without leaving your keyboard.

This database diagram tool has a user-friendly interface.


Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022 - Slickplan

Slickplan is a diagramming and flowchart software that makes creating professional diagrams, flowcharts, and organizational charts a breeze.

  • Slickplan can be used for both basic job management and considerably more complex tasks.
  • Slick plan plot diagrams to build the optimum flow for your website.
  • You can construct a visual representation of complex user flows on your website.

You can also easily make plot conditional components and transition between pages.


Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022 - DrawSQL

DrawSQL allows you to create advanced database model diagrams that are both attractive and useful.

  • It’s software for drawing database entity-relationship diagrams, collaborating on them, and displaying them.
  • It provides you with an up-to-date record of your app’s schema, which you may use to begin developing a new feature or onboarding a new team member.
  • You may create a database diagram automatically by importing its SQL script.
  • MySQL DDL can be used to export your diagrams.

It allows you to automatically create Laravel Migrations from your diagrams.


Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022 - Lucidchart

Lucidchart is an HTML5-based ERD diagram tool for producing sophisticated database diagrams that should be checked out because of the following features:

  • Your corporate account’s data and schematics can be permanently removed.
  • This database diagram tool allows you to incorporate real data into your designs.
  • Lucidchart protects your diagram with cryptography.
  • This ERD creator is compatible with Microsoft Office, G Suite, Atlassian (an issue tracking platform), and a variety of other apps.

It is a free tool which is free of cost for creating various diagrams, including ER diagrams.


Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022 - DbSchema

DbSchema is a database ERD generator that supports SQL, NoSQL, and cloud databases.

  • The application allows you to graphically construct and interact with database schemas, collaborate on schema design and deployment across multiple databases, create HTML5 diagram documentation, visually examine data and develop queries, and much more.
  • A schema can be created in bulk and deployed across several databases.
  • You may also construct migration scripts and compare different schema versions.

The HTML5 documentation includes interactive diagrams, a relational data explorer, and a visual query builder.


Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022 - SchemaSpy

SchemaSpy is a Java-based software that analyses a database schema’s metadata.

  • It’s a database design tool that simplifies the process by using ER diagrams.
  • This program supports JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) compatible DBMS.
  • You can make an ER diagram for foreign keys.

Databases can be converted to HTML using Schemaspy.


Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022 - DeZign

DeZign is a database builder that allows you to visualize data structures and create new databases. It contains the following features:

  • This tool can also help you understand the tables and relationships in your current database.
  • It gives developers access to a simple yet powerful data modeling tool.
  • This tool can graphically construct an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
  • The pan and zoom window can be used to navigate a large diagram.

It can be used with several different data modeling techniques.

Database designer For Sql

Database Designer for MySQL

Database Designer for MySQL is an ERD diagram tool that allows you to create graphical representations of tables and relationships.

  • The database is simple to create and manage.
  • It can generate reports that describe database elements within the context of a diagram.
  • It allows you to edit the entity-relationship diagram.

The appearance of diagrams and objects can be customized.

Visual Paradigm

Logo Description automatically generated - Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm is a database administration and design tool with a number of notable features, which are described below:

  • The product development team uses this ERD builder to help them create applications.
  • There is a drag-and-drop diagram editor included.
  • Visual Paradigm’s ONLINE DIAGRAMMING tool allows you to create conceptual, logical, and physical data models.

This tool also includes the ERD symbols and links needed to create industry-standard models.



Moqups is a simple ER diagram modification application that allows you to customize them to your specifications.

  • Your ER diagrams can easily be shared with other members of your team.
  • The collaboration happens in real time over the Internet.
  • For example, stencils are tools for creating entire diagrams.
  • You may link your diagrams and flowcharts to other visual elements like mockups, charts, and wireframes within the same project.

Comments, callouts, sticky notes, and annotations are among the innovative features provided. is a database design tool that lets you create an ER diagram using only code in a database management system.

  • One of the free ERD tools for data analysts and developers is this ERD creator.
  • The SQL statements can be immediately created.
  • It allows you to share your schematics with your colleagues.
  • Django, Rails, and other web frameworks can be combined.
  • SQL databases can be used to generate diagrams.
  • diagrams can be saved as pictures or PDF documents.

Both forward and reverse engineering are possible with it.

Dbdesigner is an online database schema design and modeling tool that is regarded as one of the best because of the following:

  • You may create a database with this database diagram tool without writing a single line of SQL code.
  • It has a straightforward user interface for building database structures.
  • Technology provides for team communication and project sharing within your firm.

You have the option of importing an existing database or starting from scratch.



SqlDBM is one of the market’s most powerful database diagramming tools, allowing you to build database diagrams in any browser.

  • No other database engine, database modeling tools, or apps are required for this application.
  • Because it allows you to import a database schema, it’s one of the best database design tools available.
  • Maintaining large and small databases and data models is simple.
  • Diagrams can be magnified or shrunk.

You can create a physical model or an ERD of your database.

Erwin data modeler

Erwin Data Modeler

Erwin Data Modeler is a tool that allows you to create logical, physical, and conceptual data models.

  • This ERD builder provides centralized model administration to commercial and technical customers.
  • It allows you to pull data from CRM, ERP, and other sources for precise modeling.
  • Erwin Data Modeler has a straightforward graphical user interface.

It automatically compares the model and database.


We hope you found this article informative and learned about the Top 15 Best ER Diagram Tools in 2022. Let us know the ERD maker you use to build ER diagrams in DBMS. Please share any recommendations or questions in the comments area below. Also, tell us what you’d like to study next.



1 Comment

  1. sadia noor

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    This blog is absolutely amazing in learning the subject which builds the knowledge of every individual and expands to develop the skills which can be applied to a practical one.


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